5 Steps For Go Ahead and Make Money with Your Business

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Go Ahead With Your Web Based BusinessStep 1 : Target a large group
First you need to research your intended market. You need find a reasonably large number of targeted individuals who have money to spend and a problem that needs solving. To earn money online you need to offer a great item, or service, that solves a problem for them.

You need to research:
(a) What are people searching for online?
(b) How many people are searching online for a solution to their particular problem?

You can find out what people are searching for at Google here: https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal and at Wordtracker.com who currently offer a free trial at http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com

Step 2 : Locate a best Item
Once you have researched, it is time to quickly locate your products or services to make money online. If you have your own product great, if not then there are plenty of options to sell, or resell other peoples items for make money online.

There are thousands of Items you can find quickly. However, marketing and selling a really good item needs a little more attention.

You can choose to promote physical goods or digital goods for make money online. Digital goods cover many different areas of interest and are incredibly profitable. There are no delivery costs with digital download goods they are a good choice to promote as most offer good margins.

Here are some prime resources for sourcing digital goods:

1. www.paydotcom.com
2. www.clickbank.com
3. www.cj.com

Step 3 : Market to your target audience
You Must reach your target market in a way that allows you still to make money. There are many ways to achieve this (that is another book in itself) but I’m going to show you the most cost effective way to make money online with marketing any service. In fact it is so cost effective it won’t cost you anything (just a little time set aside to complete it).

Article marketing is the most powerful free way to attract ready made buyers to your site for little or no cost. You basically write something that is informative and of interest to readers of your target market, then submit your articles to directories to get them published.

The links contained within your published articles will point back to your website and they will lead targeted visitors to your product. Articles can also be a major factor in giving any well optimized site higher rankings in search result pages.

Step 4 : Offer a very tempting low cost
When someone visits your site you must offer a free or relatively low-cost product to 'hook' your potential buyer from the outset. The aim is to get the prospect to ‘buy-in’ to you, so that you can start to establish a business relationship. A getting to know you stage if you like.

Make your initial offer very difficult to turn down and at the same capture their email address so that you can follow up if they don’t buy the first time.

The only way you can make more money, and double your income, is by building on that first low margin sale. After the first sale you then follow up by offering ever more expensive goods each time.

As long as the products or services you offer are good and deliver what they promise, you will be giving value for money. That’s what we all want when we buy something. That is how all successful companies and individuals make a success out of their businesses with earning more money.

Step 5 : Follow up and offer more expensive goods
Repeat the process over and over again and drop the unsuccessful ones. These simple steps may seem really obvious but guess what, most marketers don’t do it.

When you follow up with your customers you should be offering them related products to their first purchase. Use an autoresponder to automate your communications.


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